




Think drinking an iced latte out of a mug is weird? Think again.

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《Eco》如何零塑完勝生鮮採買?裸裝市集技巧公開! How to Shop at Famers Markets - The Zerowaste Style!

《Eco》如何零塑完勝生鮮採買?裸裝市集技巧公開! How to Shop at Famers Markets - The Zerowaste Style!


《裸裝市集 Farmer’s Market》






壞處是很多道具很重很累,好處是很難超買預算,而且~ 「愛地球🌍愛海龜🐢愛鯨魚🐳愛🐋🐬🦑🦀🐡🐙」

One of the weekend mornings I’ll bring a shit ton of containers to the local farmers market to do my grocery shopping. 

5 years ago, I decided to take a good look at my daily shopping behavior and see how far I’d go on the zero waste lifestyle and for how long.

Before going on this journey, I'd just bring my thermo, and recycle my trash. 

Five years had gone by, just a blink of an eye. 

Friends who know me, definitely know I rarely order takeout or delivery, only if it’s necessary (or when OT). Grocery shopping with containers is extremely complex, requires a lot of planning, and sticking to your shopping list! 

Cons: Planning ahead takes a lot of thinking, it gets frustrating and can be REALLY HEAVY to carrying them yourself, especially when all containers you brought were filled.

However, the benefits are wayyy better! First, you’ll never go out of budget, because you can only bring a few containers and by doing so, it helps retrain your impulse shopping urge. Not to mention that you’re doing great things to save the planet, and making it a better place for the marine life. 

Day 1826

#swangtheecoist #loveplanetearth #減塑人#減塑人生 #越減越省錢 #ㄧ天ㄧ減塑 #要是減肥也這樣就成超模 #zerowaste#howfarwouldyougo

《Fitness》半夜想運動?24小時的全時段健身房- Anytime Fitness!

《Fitness》半夜想運動?24小時的全時段健身房- Anytime Fitness!

