




Think drinking an iced latte out of a mug is weird? Think again.

Be the change you want to see in the world and start today.








但我們需要的是什麼時候能限制這些製造億年不壞垃圾的廠商可以不再隨意開店?這麼便宜的成本卻要大家買單?願意減塑保護環境的人卻要遭受異樣眼光?有時候只希望身旁的人能了解,這麼做為的是保護其他物種及環境 😕

我爸超怕被我騷擾喔,但現在他會自己帶著杯子去外面買咖啡 <3

Saying “No” to Disposable Plastic is Easy.

Take a good look at your shopping behavior. Do you buy coffee every morning from that cafe around the corner? Do you get takeout on your way home or stop by the bubble tea stand whenever you "feel like it"?

Save the earth and look stylish doing it. Buy a mug, glass bottle, or anything else you can reuse. It's simple and easy, not to mention it also reduces the possibility of chemicals leaching into your food or beverage. 

Encouraging others to be eco-friendly and inspiring them is tricky and not an easy pitch. Putting effort into explaining the consequences of mindless actions, like the damage caused by disposable waste, can be a lonely and frustrating task. It disgusts me every time I see a new tea stand pop up in my neighborhood, not because I don’t like tea, but because the consequence of mindless waste created from one stand selling plastic cups in plastic bags all day, all week, all month and all year adds up.

Dad used to get coffee every morning, but after serial harassment, he finally caved in and now brings his cup regularly to fetch coffee.



